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Pakistan, Education & Opportunities Samuel Wilson Pakistan, Education & Opportunities Samuel Wilson

Climate Carnage in Pakistan: Education Under Threat

Pakistan is suffering from the worst floods in its history. Now, as the global news cycle moves on, the impacts remain devastating - over 20 million people are in need and as of 27th Oct, 1731 are dead, including 645 children.

We have produced a video, that will be shown in the Blue Zone of COP27 in Egypt this year, focusing on just one of the many areas in need: education.

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William Wilson William Wilson

COP27 Resources

For anyone attending COP27 or COY17 climate talks, we have brought together on one web page all the information and resources that we have produced over the last two years, to help you better prepare for this and future climate conferences and negotiations. Please raid it, and help yourselves!

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Politics & Negotiations, Energy & Emissions Edward Wilson Politics & Negotiations, Energy & Emissions Edward Wilson

The US Congress Finally Passes a Climate Bill

Yesterday, on the 16th of August, President Biden signed into law the biggest piece of climate legislation that the US has ever managed to pass. The Inflation Reduction Act was the result of years of negotiations within the Democratic party. The bill provides significant investments in climate, energy and healthcare, which are projected to help reduce the US’s CO2 emissions to 40% below their peak by 2030. So how did the bill finally pass, what is actually in it, and what effect will it have?

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Politics & Negotiations, Interview Guest Blog Author Politics & Negotiations, Interview Guest Blog Author

Updates on Climate Negotiations from a Youth Climate Negotiator

In this blog, Shreya KC, a young climate activist from Nepal, gives us a fascinating update on recent climate negotiations being held in Bonn, Germany in preparation for COP27 in Egypt later this year. Shreya was a campaign coordinator for our friends at MOCK COP and the national youth delegate from Nepal to COP26, she also delivered the opening plenary statement on behalf of YOUNGO at Bonn so is incredibly well-placed to update us on the progress in the most recent climate talks.

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Using the Law William Wilson Using the Law William Wilson

West Virginia vs EPA: US Supreme Court defies climate sense

On 30 June 2022, the conservative majority in the U.S. Supreme Court drastically curtailed the ability and powers of the Federal Environmental Protection Agency ‘E.P.A.’ to regulate the greenhouse gas emissions of power plants under the Clean Air Act. In this blog we analyse the ruling, its impact and what it may mean for attempts to fight climate change.

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William Wilson William Wilson

Environment Day, and Grounds for Hope

Prince William marked the Platinum Jubilee of HM the Queen with a speech about the environment and its heroes, and climate, and the achievements of young people, and hope.

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William Wilson William Wilson

Celebration & a Call for Contributions

For our team it is another milestone to have won the interest and confidence of 6,000+ followers from 150+ countries, who read the blogs on our website, social media & tune into our events.

We plan to celebrate by taking active steps to invite direct contributions on some of the key climate topics that we are looking into from those of our followers who may be directly affected.

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William Wilson William Wilson

IPCC Mitigation Report

On 4th April 2022 Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published its report on Mitigation of Climate Change, part of its contribution to the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report

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